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Development of Enabling Analytical Techniques for Biomarker Study

发布时间:2024-03-29    浏览次数:

报告题目:Development of Enabling Analytical Techniques for Biomarker Study

报  告  人:钟文婉 教授 中国科学技术大学

时       间: 2024年3月28日(周四)上午10:00

地       点: 威廉希尔体育新校区化学楼129报告厅

报告人简介:钟文婉,中国科学技术大学化学系教授。中国科学技术大学本科毕业,美国爱荷华州立大学(1owa StatUniversity)博士,洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室博士后研究员。于2006年加入美国加州大学河滨分校(University ofcalifomia,Riverside化学系担任教职,2016年晋升为正教授。2024年1月加入中国科学技术大学。研究方向包括:1)发展体外检测技术以实现对靶标分子的高通量快速分辨; 2)创新分离技术以辅助通过分子组学研究来发现新的疾病预测与监控的途径;3)研究纳米-生物界面,深入了解纳米材料毒性的调控机理;4)研究分子间相互作用,指导设计主客体传感阵列,并运用机器学习的手段,准确辨别生物大分子细微的结构变化,从而加深对其结构与功能间相互关系的理解。研究工作在Nature Chemistry, Joumnal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Nucleic Acids Research, Chemical Sciences, Environmental Science & Technology Analytical Chemistry等国际权威期刊上发表。

报告摘要:Biomarkers that can indicate the initiation, progression and evolution of pathological processes are important targetsfor disease diagnosis and treatment. Hence, my group has been devoted to developing inmovative analytical techmigues to improve thedetection of biomarkers and advance our understanding of how biomarkers function.We have developed a series of techniques to addresslhe challenges in analysis of extracellular vesicles (vs, a group of promising biomarkers secreted by all cells. lo better explore the utilty oiEVs in clinical practices, we have developed a series of sensing platforms to realize ulra-sensitive and selective detection ofEVs carryingdistinct cargo patems. Our results demonstrated that EVs enclosed with specific protein and/or microRNA cargos can help diferentiate cancepatients at the early stages from healthy controls. (2) We hamess host-guest imnteractions to construct sensor arays using synthetic receptors fothe analysis of diverse biomarkers. We have identified multiple recognition mechanismssystems and exploited them to-guestconstruct arrays for diferential recognition of diverse targets, including protein post-translational modifications, nucleic acid folding, andIsomeric peptides. We also proved the host-guest systems can not only function in solutionbut also work in cells.verall. outwork highlights the significance of analytical technologies in advancing our understanding of the fimctions of biological moleeules and ihelping improve disease treatment.
