发布时间:2016-07-06 来源:威廉希尔体育 浏览次数:
1. 11th Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis joint with 2nd Dalton Transactions International Symposium, Shanghai, 2010
2. 第七届全国功能材料学术会议,长沙,2010
3. 2nd Asian Coordination Chemistry Conference, Nanjing, 2009
4. 6th National Conference on Coordination Chemistry (& International Symposium on Coordination Chemistry), Hong Kong, 2009
5. 中国化学会第十届全国生物无机化学会议,河南新乡,2009
6. 第八届中国国际纳米科技研讨会,湘潭,2009
7. 第五届先进材料及技术国际学术会议,湘潭,2007
8. 37th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, South Africa, 2006
9. International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2004 (C & FC 2004), Hong Kong, 2004
10.The Sixth Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hong Kong, 2004