发布时间:2016-07-06 来源:威廉希尔体育 浏览次数:
目前在有机高分子光电功能材料与器件方向共主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,863计划子课题,国际合作研究和教育部留学回国人员基金等多项国家级和省部级课题。近年来公开发表光电有机高分子相关学术论文60余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者:在J.Am.Chem.Soc, Adv.Funct.Mater, Macromolecules等影响因子大于4的国际权威期刊上发表15篇,单篇影响因子最高为13.8,最大10篇平均IF为7.14,引用达1000余次,H因子为16。5篇文章被列为近10年ESI高被引论文。授权1项国际专利和3项中国专利。做会议邀请和口头报告20余次。
1. Yingping Zou, Ahmed Najari, Réda Badrou-A?ch, Ye Tao, Mario Leclerc, “A Thieno[3,4-c]-dione-Based Copolymer for Efficient Solar Cells”,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010,132(15), 5330–5331.
2. Yongfang Li*,Yingping Zou, “Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials with Broad Absorption Band and High Charge Carrier Mobility”,Adv. Mater.,2008,20, 2952-2958.
3. Yingping Zou,Meixiu Wan,Guangyi Sang,Mingfu Ye,Yongfang Li, “An Alternative Copolymer of Carbazole and Thieno[3,4b]-Pyrazine: Synthesis and Mercury Detection”,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2008,18, 2724-2732.
4. Yingping Zou, David Gendron, Réda Badrou-A?ch, Ahmed Najari, Ye Tao, and Mario Leclerc,“A High-Mobility Low-Bandgap Poly(2,7-carbazole) Derivative for Photovoltaic Applications”,Macromolecules, 2009,42, 2891-2894.
5. Yingping Zou, David Gendron, Rodica Neagu-Plesu, Mario Leclerc, “Synthesis and Characterization of New Low-Bandgap Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Copolymers”,Macromolecules, 2009,42, 6361–6365.
6. Yingping Zou, Weiping Wu, Guangyi Sang, Yi Yang, Yunqi Liu, Yongfang Li, “Polythiophene derivative with phenothiazine-vinylene conjugated side chain: synthesis and its application in field-effect transistors”,Macromolecules,2007,40, 7231-7237.
7. Yingping Zou, Jianhui Hou, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li, “A noveln-type conjugated polymer DOCN-PPV: synthesis, optical and electrochemical properties”,Macromolecules, 2006,38, 8889-8891.
8. Miao Yang, Bo Peng, Bo Liu,Yingping Zou*,et al.“Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of Copolymers from Benzodithiophene and Thiazole”,J Phys Chem C.,2010,114, 17989–17994.
9. Ping Ding,Chengmei Zhong,Yingping Zou,*et al, “5,6-Bis(decyloxy) 2,1,3-benzooxadiazole Based Polymers with Different Electron Donors for Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells”,J Phys Chem C.,2011,115, 16211-16219.
10.Bo Liu,Yingping Zou*, Bo Peng, et al, “Low bandgap isoindigo-based copolymers: design, synthesis and photovoltaic applications”, Polym. Chem., 2011, 2, 1156-1162.
11. Bo Liu,Yingping Zou*, et al “Polythiophene Derivative with Octyl Diphenylamine-vinylene Side Chain: Synthesis and its Applications in Field-Effect Transistors and Solar Cells”, Polym. Chem., 2010, 1, 678-684.
12. Bo Liu,Yingping Zou*, et al , “A Dithienyl Benzotriazole-based Poly(2, 7-carbazole) for Field-Effect Transistors and Efficient Light-Emitting Diodes”,RSC Advances, 2011, 1, 424-428.
E-mail:yingpingzou@csu.edu.cn 电话:18711140102
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