邓启红 教授
邓启红,教授,博士生导师。主要从事室内外环境与人体健康关系研究。先后获得全国优秀博士学位论文、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师优选资助课题、湖南省杰出青年科学基金、威廉希尔体育升华学者特聘教授、中国环境科学学会青年科技奖等人才计划与奖励。现任中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会副主任委员、中国能源研究会热科学与工程专业委员会委员。担任国际学术期刊《Building and Environment》(SCI影响因子4.0)编委、中文核心期刊《土木建筑与环境工程》编委、中国环境科学学会《中国环境学科发展报告》常务编委。 入选Elsevier发布的2014-2017年“中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)”。国际室内空气质量与气候学会ISIAQ健康建筑国际学术会议Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia(2019年10月,长沙)大会主席。
1991.9-1995.6 武汉科技大学,本科
1995.9-1998.6 湖南大学,硕士
1998.9-2003.5 湖南大学,博士
2003.9-2005.9 威廉希尔体育副教授
2005.9-至今 威廉希尔体育教授
【代表性论文 】
[1]W Jiang, C Lu, Y Miao, Y Xiang, L Chen, Q Deng *. Outdoor particulate air pollution and indoor renovation associated with childhood pneumonia in China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 174: 76-81
[2]Q Deng *, C Ou, J Chen, Y Xiang. Particle deposition in tracheobronchial airways of an infant, child and adult [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 339-346
[3]Y Miao, YM Shen, C Lu, J Zeng, Q Deng *. Maternal exposure to ambient air temperature during pregnancy and early childhood pneumonia [J]. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2017, 69: 288-293
[4]D Norbäck *, C Lu, Y Zhang, B Li, Z Zhao, C Huang, X Zhang, H Qian, J Sundell, Q Deng *. Common cold among pre-school children in China: associations with ambient PM10 and dampness, mould, cats, dogs, rats and cockroaches in the home environment [J]. Environment International, 2017, 103: 13–22
[5]Y Yang, ACK Lai, RYC Kong, Q Deng *. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Performance of Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation with the Effective Z-Value of Airborne Bacteria [J]. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2017, 51: 1123-1134
[6]J Zeng, C Lu, Q Deng *. Prenatal exposure to diurnal temperature variation and childhood pneumonia [J]. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2017, 65: 105–112
[7]Q Deng *, R Wang, Y Li, Y Miao, J Zhao. Human thermal sensation and comfort in a non-uniform environment with personalized heating [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 578: 242–248
[8]C Lu, L Deng; C Ou; H Yuan; X Chen; Q Deng*. Preconceptional and perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and eczema in preschool children [J]. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2017, 85: 85-95
[9]Y Miao, R Wang, C Lu, J Zhao, Q Deng*. Lifetime cancer risk assessment for inhalation exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 312–320
[10]Q Deng *, C Lu, Y Li, L Chen, Y He, J Sundell, D Norbäck. Association of prenatal exposure to industrial air pollution with onset of early childhood ear infection in China [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 157: 18-26
[11]C Ou, Y Li, J Wei, HL Yen, Q Deng*. Numerical modelling of particle deposition in ferret lungs: A comparison with humans [J]. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2017, 51: 477–487
[12]Q Deng*, C Lu, W Jiang, J Zhao, L Deng, Y Xiang. Association of outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation with early childhood ear infection in China [J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 169: 288-296
[13]Q Deng*, C Lu, Y Yu, Y Li, J Sundell, D Norbäck. Early life exposure to traffic-related air pollution and allergic rhinitis in preschool children in China [J]. Respiratory Medicine, 2016, 121: 67-73
[14]Q Deng *, C Lu, Y Li, J Sundell, D Norbäck. Exposure to outdoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) during trimesters of pregnancy and childhood asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema [J]. Environmental Research, 2016, 150: 119-127
[15]C Lu, Q Deng *, Y Li, J Sundell, D Norbäck. Outdoor air pollution, meteorological conditions and indoor factors in dwellings in relation to sick building syndrome (SBS) among adults in China [J]. Science of Total Environment, 2016, 560: 186-196
[16]Q Deng *, C Lu, C Ou, L Chen, H Yuan. Preconceptional, prenatal and postnatal exposure to outdoor and indoor environmental factors on allergic diseases/symptoms in preschool children [J]. Chemosphere, 2016, 152: 459-467
[17]Q Deng *, C Lu, D Norbäck, C-G Bornehag, Y Zhang, W Liu, J Sundell. Early life exposure to ambient air pollution and childhood asthma in China [J]. Environmental Research, 2015, 143: 83-92
[18]Q Deng *, C Lu, C Ou, W Liu. Effects of early life exposure to outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation on childhood asthma in China [J]. Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 84-91